It is expected that every child in Years 1 to 6 complete the non-negotiable homework components. Prep to Year 6 students are expected to participate in home reading and record their reading in their Home Reader Log.
Homework in Prep is optional, please refer to our PREP HOMEWORK POLICY for additional information.
It is important to note that home reader levels are allocated exclusively by the classroom teacher in years 3-6. Students reading below Level I in the classroom will bring home a reader one level below. Once students are reading at Level I, their home readers will match their instructional reader in the classroom. This is to ensure that students in the early phases of reading are not faced with new learnings during home reading. Home readers are exchanged by volunteer parents Mondays to Thursdays. Please refer to our Home Reader policy (PDF,113 KB)
A specific aim of home reading in the early years is to develop the love of reading. Students in P-2 will be given Phonics Practice every two weeks to practice their word reading.
We have a Wall of Fame in our Resource Learning Hub where all students who achieve 100 and 200 nights of home reading (logged in home reading logbook), are celebrated. Next time you are at school, take a look at the Wall of Fame in our RLH.
For students who wish to ‘Opt In’ to further homework tasks, there are optional tasks available. Our homework cycle is a Monday to Friday. Homework completion will be monitored each Friday by classroom teachers.
Please refer to our YEARS 1-6 HOMEWORK POLICY for how we respond to incomplete Homework.
Some components of our homework are web based. Students are provided with log on and passwords upon receipt of EE4L.
By registering with Mathletics, parents have access to a weekly report which summarises their child's achievements for the week. This can be accessed at:
Homework activities for each year level