Essential equipment for learning (EE4L) resource scheme
This is our way of responding to learning in the 21st Century. Rather than develop and finalise book lists now (for the learning that will occur in our classrooms next year), we offer our families a more economical option that is responsive to the learning needs of our students and the teaching needs of our teachers.
To maximise this the school would like to ensure that all 'Essential equipment for learning' is available to all students at all times. This equipment covered includes:
- all stationery and consumable items including, pencils, rulers, glue, whiteboard markers, colours, scissors, hands on cooking and science equipment etc.
- all books and text books
- subscriptions to web based applications which will be used for teaching at school and for consolidation of learning at home.
We would like to ensure that no matter what learning precinct or space our students are in they will be able to quickly and effortlessly access any equipment required for learning. We aim to promote shared access to resources, shared responsibility and ownership and to eliminate any competition and teasing related to 'brands'.
Participation in Essential equipment for learning:
- ensures non-competitiveness, and eliminates teasing and bullying in relation to 'haves' and 'have-nots'
- ensures total access to essential equipment for learning in all learning spaces within all learning precincts
- promotes sharing, collaboration, shared ownership and responsibility
- enables teachers to respond to learning needs and purchase equipment as needed rather than order 12 months in advance
- prevents wastage or unused materials/equipment
- means children never 'leave' their pencil case at home or in another room
- maximises learning time and minimised 'operational' time
- enables bulk purchasing benefits
- provides convenience and ease for parents.
Booklists are available.