The Preparatory (Prep) year is the first year of school for your child. It is a non-compulsory, full-time program that runs five days per week. Your child is expected to attend full-time in order to get the most from the Prep year.
Age is the only criterion for enrolment in the Prep year for Queensland children. Your child must be 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep. Find out when your child is eligible to enrol in the Prep year.
Legislative provision for early entry to the Prep year
If you are moving to Queensland from another State or country, it may be possible to enrol your child in the Prep year IF the Principal in a non-state school or the Principal’s supervisor for a state school is satisfied that the child:
- had started education in another state or country that is equivalent to the Prep year
- is ready for education in the Prep year, having regard to the child’s attributes including aptitude and ability, social and emotional competence, and physical development.
If your child meets
both criteria, you could apply for early entry to the Prep year.