Enrolments for 2025
We are now accepting Booking Forms for in-catchment enrolments for 2025.
If you permanently reside within our catchment (please be guided by catchment maps including Creekwood Estate) and are able to provide all required proof of residency documentation, please complete and submit a booking form (DOC, 367KB) as a first step to enrolment.
Please note: Completing this form does not guarantee or confirm enrolment.
Once we have received your Booking Form, and your address has been verified as being in catchment, we will contact you in Term 4 to initiate the completion of official enrolment forms.
If you reside out of the catchment area and wish to submit an Out of Catchment Expression of Interest, please complete the Out of Catchment Expression of Interest form (DOC, 91KB).
Enrolments for 2024
If you permanently reside within our catchment (please be guided by catchment maps including Creekwood Estate) and are able to provide all required proof of residency documentation, please complete and submit all 10 parts of the below enrolment pack, together
with all supporting residency documentation.
If you reside out of the catchment area and wish to submit an Out of Catchment Expression of Interest, please complete the Out of Catchment Expression of Interest form (DOC, 91KB).
Enrolment forms
Springfield Central State School (SCSS) has a complete on-line enrolment package. Everything you need to officially enrol at the school can be accessed from this page. If you do not have digital access, paper copies are available from the school office, however, will only be provided after proof of residency is confirmed.
There are two steps to enrolment. Please ensure you are able to provide a primary and secondary proof of residency before you progress with the enrolment forms.
Step 1– complete and submit enrolment forms
Please complete and save all enrolment forms (Part 1-10) using the following naming convention then e-mail all completed forms to:
Name documents as follows: SCSS_Enrolment_Part#_SURNAME, Given Name
example: SCSS_Enrolment_Part1_GOOLEY,Angela
Enrolment form (part 1 – Application form) (PDF, 473KB)
Enrolment form (part 2 - Consent form) (PDF, 939KB)
Enrolment form (part 3 - Enrolment agreement) (DOC, 318KB)
Enrolment form (part 4 – Medical form) (DOC, 126KB)
Enrolment form (part 5 – EE4L resource scheme)
Enrolment form (part 6 - Keeping SCSS state of the art (SCSS SOTA) voluntary contribution) (DOC, 102KB)
Enrolment Form (part 7 - RLH Borrowing Agreement) (PDF, 535KB)
Enrolment Form (Part 8 -Online Consent Form_ Prep - Year 2) (PDF, 278KB)
- Enrolment Form (Part 8 -Online Consent Form_ Year 3 - Year 6) (PDF, 278KB)
Enrolment Form (Part 9 - New Student Profile) (PDF, 239KB)
Enrolment Form (Part 10 - Facility Dog Permission form) (PDF, 266KB)
Sighting of a birth certificate for prep students and proof of residency documents are required to be submitted with the completed enrolment forms. Proof of residency at the address indicated on the enrolment form can be provided by way of one of the following:
Primary source: a current lease agreement, rates notice or unconditional sale notice.
Secondary: a utility bill (electricity, land line phone (not mobile) or gas).
Both pieces of proof must show the same address and the parent/s name. You will also be able to purchase a hat and a bag and make payment/s at the school office.
It is important to know that 'living with' someone does not meet the proof of residency requirements.
Please note: Before being offered a Parent Information Session you will need to present a birth certificate (prep students only) along with both primary and secondary proof of residence documents as follows:
Primary source: a current lease agreement, rates notice or unconditional sale notice.
Secondary: a utility bill (electricity, land line phone (not mobile) or gas).
Both pieces of proof must show the same address and the parent/s name. You will also be able to purchase a hat and a bag and make payment/s at the school office.
Step 2 – Book in for a Parent Information Session
Once the school has received your fully complete enrolment forms and confirmed you reside within catchment you will be contacted to arrange a time that suits to sign the enrolment forms and hear some important messages about the school at a Parent Information Session.
Participation in this session is a pre-requisite to enrolment. Sessions are held weekly on a Wednesday from 1.30–2.30pm face to face.
Find out more about the
Essential equipment for learning (EE4L) resource scheme.
Find out more about the
Keeping SCSS state of the art (SCSS SOTA) voluntary contribution.