Springfield Central boasts architecturally designed buildings and learning spaces, state of the art digital, interactive technology and 100% connectivity.
Every learning space houses the latest interactive technology and students will engage with digital devices wirelessly.
The school has a vast array of hard and software along with a whole school robotics program to support student learning and engagement.
Springfield Central has a replacement schedule that will enable hardware to be replaced as soon as it is out of warranty. Maintaining state of the art technology and continually purchasing new technologies will be a constant challenge for the school.
To help maintain our state of the art status a 'voluntary contribution' of $75 per student or $200 for families of three or more is requested.
Each student that contributes will receive a 'thank you' gift. These gifts are not available for sale independently.
Families who wish to not participate in the voluntary contribution will need to provide a waterproof library bag.
The school wishes to thank in advance parents who support the voluntary contribution.